Set up

Store Backdrop

stand for backdrop

Letters for store


stands to prop gifts on table

containers for gifts

Pink Tablecloth

Purple Tablecloth

Green Tablecloth

Blue Tablecloth

Gold Tablecloth

stands for holding up gifts on tables

Laminator (if you do not have one)

Blue Tablecloth
Gift Table

the Price tags

Papers for Receipts

Price Labels for price tags (round)
Cashier Table

Coupon Tree

Coupon tags

extra Coupon clips

Stamp that says "Paid"

small indiviudal mirrors of affirmation

Buy a toy cashier machine

printing labels for coupons (rectangle)

two small mirrors for the self-affirmations ("tax")

stickers of affirmation
Crafts Table

holiday cards

Markers for kids

Holiday crafts 1 - scratch off flowers

Holiday crafts 2 - Best Mom Sign

Holiday crafts 3 - Keychains

Holiday crafts 4 - Bookmarks
Snack Table


Gift bag table

Large gift bags

various gift bags